Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost has two firsts (for me): first book read in ebook version, and first reading on vacation. I have to start by clarifying a couple of elements. The novel is part of the urban fantasy saga The night Huntress series, is an adult vampire. My passion for hot urban fantasy is well known (so to speak) so I don’t know how it happened: I had ignored this saga, I totally missed it. The night before the departure with the brand new ebook reader in my hands, in a panic in the approach with the tool (stay calm girls please), on the eve of the plane to Bergen and relative trip to Scandinavia, I have nothing to read. I mean, I have a stack of books bought. But I realized the weight madness in good time, so I switched to the ebook. In short, I didn’t know how to orient myself in the purchases having already the paper versions of the initially chosen books, so I understand that I have only one chance: urban fantasy. Light reading, apt for flights, trains, movements, poetic bars. Once the epiphany is reached, the question remains: what urban fantasy?

Then I turn on the computer (all true) and googlo “series urban fantasy sexy vampires”. Do not laugh.

A series of results come out, the eye immediately goes to a forum. I click and open the conversation between two readers dated 2012, review Jeaniene Frost, talk about Cat and Bones, describe it as an unmissable saga for lovers of the genre. Superb. A second later I’m on Amazon and I buy The Night Slayer, which is precisely the first volume. Released in the States in 2007 and in Italy in 2010 with Fanucci, 350 pages, devoured at the airport.

Do you want the plot? Well. The protagonist of Halfway to the Grave is Catherine, although the girl calls herself Cat. She is half vampire and half woman, and despite her young age she is a ruthless vampire hunter. She is obsessed with eliminating monsters, so she sees them: her mother explained to her that she was raped by a vampire, so Cat is half vampire. Quality that makes it special, but this will understand it much later. For the moment he uses his human aspect (heart that beats) and his white skin (vampire) to attract bloodsuckers in the net and take them out. He spends the weekend there. Everything changes when he runs into Bones, a powerful vampire who captures her. They make an alliance, he trains her so much that she becomes lethal. From here starts are not a fiery love story (and I repeat fiery) with scenes of sex to scream, but also intrigue and action not to give yourself breath. And so the tunnel started, then I’ll write you about others. Halfway to the Grave is a perfect choice therefore for an escape reading, the only weak point is the language that is too colorful in the dialogues which fortunately gradually loses itself in the subsequent volumes. And I admit, I love Bones much more than her, but I can’t stand the nickname “micetta”.

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