Eric Northman naked on a deckchair in the snow of Sweden reading a book before catching fire is one of the unforgettable images of True Blood, cult TV series of which I am a desperate fan. Summer is the season of trash series, of vampires, of murky fantasy stories. I realized that I didn’t dedicate a review to Eric Northman, my favorite character in the series based on the novels by Charlaine Harris, the Sookie Stackhouse series.

Exaggerated, hypnotic, beautiful
Let’s talk about the series, just to remind us of the seven seasons of Alan Ball: 80 episodes, I have them all on DVD, pathology, I know. I was saying that True Blood is a horror fantasy series. In reality it is ironic, trash, pungent, with so much blood, sex, paranormal in rivers. The main character is Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin), particularly blonde, who falls in love with Bill Compton, a mysterious vampire from Bon Temps. Thus she knows the supernatural world, so many characters, a dense plot, explicit sex, scenes at the limits of the paradoxical. He’s in the variegated world of Bon Temps, we know him as the anti-Bill.
The Viking vampire Eric, how hot he is
Fans are divided between the dark Bill and the blond Eric played by Alexander Skarsgård. I know where to stand, I always know when it comes to vampire antiheroes. Team Eric! It is not just a physical fact. In the middle of summer, I claim the right to talk about the ephemeral, like hormones. Tall, beautiful. It might be enough. And he is also a millennial Viking vampire, with the soul of a bad boy but who knows how to fall in love. We are fried, you know? Exactly the prototype of a male to be away from. But there is so much stuff, we can at least look.